Brainstorming is a great way to come up with ideas — eventually. Sifting through the bad ones is part of the experience.
I was brainstorming with a friend of mine who was helping me come up with ideas for lunches. My day job is moving to an area that is less accessible to easy-to-find lunch options.
Right now, I "try" to make 3 lunches a week and buy lunch on Wednesday and Friday. More often, I succeed in bringing them, but I get bored really quickly. Not bored like breakfast, where the whole wheat spaghetti and mushrooms is fun, even though I eat it most every day. If only oatmeal was a viable lunch possibility.
So we were tossing ideas and she says, "Casseroles and stews. You can make them in Sunday and then bring them during the week."
Casseroles and stews. I made a face. "I still have childhood traumas from casseroles and stews." I used to have phobias of hosting funerals where casseroles are stacked up on the kitchen counter.
But they would solve my lunch issues. I do get why they are popular and successful. When it comes to food patterns, I can get really bored really easily, yet if I love something (like spaghetti for breakfast), I could do it almost every day and not blink.
It's not just being picky in terms of things not touching other things. Like many people, I suffered from texture issues — texture is important to me when I eat something.
Give me some meat, rice, and a vegetable or two, and I'm set. Combine them into some evil concoction and I'll pass.
My friend suggested a sandwich with roasted chicken, goat cheese, balsamic vinegar, and romaine lettuce. Sounds great. She also suggested a hard-boiled egg sandwich. Still needs work. Sandwiches make more sense to me, but they are more practical when you make them at home. I'm not crazy about bringing sandwiches.
I know I'm not completely hopeless. I have grilled chicken and have it with whole wheat crackers. I have made pasta salads. I've brought PB&J.
I know I should come up with a casserole or stew. I did try ground turkey, wild and brown rice, all with a homemade chili sauce. I made it and still wasn't crazy about it. But I shouldn't let that discourage me.
I will try some ideas and give you all updates. If you have suggestions, I'd be glad to take them. Just leave a comment or e-mail me at [email protected].
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