Jon Stewart, a sharp critic of processed food, combined his classic foil, Jimmy Dean's pancake-wrapped sausage on a stick, with the taste of Baconnaise, an actual product from the makers of Bacon Salt.
Stewart was commenting on the Bobby Jindal Republican response to President Obama's speech Tuesday night. When Jindal told the story about the huge variety of food in American grocery store shelves (as opposed to India where Jindal's parents are from), Stewart's analogy included Baconnaise and the pancake/sausage/stick. The implication was that Americans eat too much crappy, processed food, and plenty of it can be found in American grocery stores.
So can you utilize Baconnaise and still find balance? Sure, within moderation. Plus it's not clear (until I see the label) that there is bacon in the Baconnaise. There may be bacon flavor without using bacon.
I don't know for sure, but in one of the reviews on the Bacon Salt guys blog, the words "vegetarian-friendly" are mentioned. This implies there is no bacon.
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