Halloween always was the gateway between the eating sensible traits of warmer weather and the piggy temptations of the colder weather.
Whatever we might think of children eating tons of Halloween candy, they can burn it off easier than we can. At least, they used to do so when we were children.
If only we were tempted by one night of treats while dressed up in a costume. Adults get exposed to Halloween candy for several weeks, including this period now. When you got to work on Monday, were you hit up with "Hey, I got some leftover Halloween candy." Guess what, most of us have our own leftover candy.
And we feel like we have to eat it.
The temptations are also at work. Bosses and fellow co-workers offering sweets. And for the many without jobs this year, there are Halloween parties or even goodies at counters when we shop.
So what do we do? Go without candy?
Of course not. Having some candy is fine. But using the holiday as an excuse to behave literally like a child isn't good. "Well, this leftover candy will go to waste if someone doesn't eat it." So. If you had given away every single piece of candy at the door, or had bought a reasonable amount to begin with, you wouldn't have had this conversation.
Or if it absolutely breaks your heart, or traumatizes your inner child, spread out your candy over a long period of time, like a month. Not 3 days.
If you don't have leftover candy, and have successfully avoided most of the temptations, yet you still want a treat, buy yourself some high-quality candy, such as high cacao percentage chocolate. More chocolate taste with less sugar, yet it's still a treat.
Besides, as pies go, pumpkin pie is one of the healthiest.
This is temptation season. Even if you "messed" up over Halloween, don't worry. There is still plenty of time to make it up. Perhaps a little more time in the gym or fewer soft drinks or French fries or whatever else gets you in trouble.
The goal is not Halloween or Thanksgiving or the December holidays. The goal is springtime, and if you're close in weight at that point, you'll be happier.
Having been to the doctor and having been weighed professionally, there is a temptation to remain at that weight through the winter months. Winter has been rough where I live in the last couple of years. Losing weight isn't a thought — maintaining for the next 6 months would make me do cartwheels, if I could physically do a cartwheel.
And the place to start — making sound decisions yet having some fun.