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June 15, 2010


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H Mira

The post is very intellectually written, with lots of valuable information

jord 8

People are excited about pouring this white powder, how using the product is a way to show distinct style — by all using the same product.

Food marketing is designed to make the product as appealing as possible. That seems fair, as long as there is a reasonable connection, and you have some idea that what you're seeing isn't literal.

Dealing with the hype of food marketing is one pitfall in trying to eat better.

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My typical breakfast

  • DSC01708 ii
    There is no right way to finding the balance of food, just your way. My typical breakfast is whole wheat spaghetti with homemade sauce, sautéed mushrooms, and a naturally low-fat Italian cheese sprinkled on top. Works for me.


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