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September 01, 2010


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Tim S.

just remember one thing: People have been calling him crazy for years, and what he's been telling us to prepair for have happened. Sure government run stuff in America is messier than a sloopy joe sandwich, but his fear is that they will grow a pair and enforce it by law. Since his predictions so far have been acurate, I wouldn't call his fear irrational. And as far as diet goes, his thing is political policies, not the box of twinkies in your closet you bought some time ago and forgot about its existance, which is now worth more than you bought it for (lucky you). I recommend you do what I do: avoid overanalyzing articals and comments. it makes life much simpiler and easy to live with.


No communist or socialist society in the history of the planet Earth have tried to take away foods from its people. Sure people have been too poor to buy said foods, but no society has banned a food. The United States won't be the first country to break that trend, especially since its people are so in love with poorly made food.

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My typical breakfast

  • DSC01708 ii
    There is no right way to finding the balance of food, just your way. My typical breakfast is whole wheat spaghetti with homemade sauce, sautéed mushrooms, and a naturally low-fat Italian cheese sprinkled on top. Works for me.


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