Politics aside, can you seriously take diet advice from Rush Limbaugh?
The fact that Rush made fun of the so-called Twinkie Diet isn't a surprise, nor that the radio show host turned it into a diatribe against Michelle Obama and "liberals wanting to control what we eat."
Given Limbaugh's own weight battles, perhaps he isn't the best expert to get food and nutrition information.
Of course, Limbaugh, the rest of the MSM, and others missed the point of the Twinkie experiment: it's about calories.
Every 6 months, I make a pilgrimage to Canada for a number of reasons. One of those reasons is enjoying Canadian treats. Dessert is a pretty rare thing for me, but I like an occasional treat. And Canadian Twinkies and King Dons are better-made than their American counterparts.
On this past trip, I bought boxes of Twinkies, Hostess Cup Cakes (no King Dons, sad), and Jos. Louis, a Canadian chocolate cup cake.
They aren't for my everyday diet, and I do try to make sacrifices with my other food consumption to make room for the Canadian treats.
There was the milkshake moment. I had noticed a new burger place while walking though Little Italy in Windsor, Ontario during the last visit. So I checked it out this time.
I had noticed the milkshake options. Normally, I don't do milkshakes because it's too much for my system at one time. I do make exceptions, so I had to look at the list. And there it was: King Dons milkshake.
There is that point in your life where you only get one shot to try something you hadn't thought existed on the planet. King Dons in a milkshake.
To explain for my non-regular readers, King Dons existed in the United States alongside Ding Dongs when I was a child. I still think of them as two different Hostess products, but currently King Dons are Canadian versions of Ding Dongs — all of them being different from Hostess Cup Cakes.
So I ordered a King Dons milkshake. Unfortunately, the server came back and said they were out of King Dons (which might account for why I couldn't find them on this trip). So they offered to substitute Hostess Cup Cakes. Not what I wanted or dreamed about if I had such dreams, but still better than anything I had been offered in some time. I went for the Hostess Cup Cakes milkshake.
The burger wasn't that great, the fries were OK but smothered in salt, but that milkshake was amazing.
The Twinkie Diet is about how you can make choices that involve "bad food" and still make it work. If you do food right, you can have a little bit of fun and make a good food system work.