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January 18, 2011


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Its true. Fruits are fruits because it can be served by itself even without other stuffs added to it or the fruit being processed is also inappropriate.

best clin

Thanks for healthy post. Make vegetables more fun not to exceed the interest of big business, but you can do a party, even if it requires more work.


Fruit are easier to do because the fruit contains natural sugar, fruit products, even can be easily manipulated to be softer than they need.

Idol Asyang

So true, fruits are easy to get and very handy. You can eat fruits without cooking it and wherever you are.But lets not compare fruit and veges, both are good for our health.


Fruits are good for our health. And its very handy. Eat fruits anywhere, anytime at any condition. :D

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My typical breakfast

  • DSC01708 ii
    There is no right way to finding the balance of food, just your way. My typical breakfast is whole wheat spaghetti with homemade sauce, sautéed mushrooms, and a naturally low-fat Italian cheese sprinkled on top. Works for me.


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