District of Columbia, Boulder Valley, CO, and Berkeley, CA are only some of the nationwide school districts to ban flavored milk in their schools. Well. add Los Angeles to the list.
And yes, Jamie Oliver gets a lot of the credit. But LA wouldn't have done this just because of Jamie.
The ban kicks in July 1.
For those school districts that still justify the policy, at least reduce the sugars in the chocolate milk and eliminate high-fructose corn syrup.
If you find that kids aren't paying enough attention in class, and you are dealing with added sugars in their diet, there could be a correlation. And even if there isn't, this is an experiment worth trying.
And if you still struggle with this, don't think of this in terms of food. Think of it as education reform.
Is there more that can be done to reduce the sugars at lunchtime. Sure. But this battle needs to be won first so that the naysayers can't come back and say, "Hey, they aren't drinking the milk."
And give these kids time to adjust. Making the change in summer is great since the transition will be under the radar, giving their bodies much needed time to adjust back to white milk. And most of them will eventually pick the white milk. Because deep down, they want to be at their best to learn.