Welcome to Tweets of the Week, the newest feature at BalanceofFood.com. Not everyone has embraced the land of Twitter, and so they miss out on the beauty of what 140 characters can do to improve their lives.
balanceoffood Jul 15 4:20pm via HootSuite
USDA working 2 support Farm-To-School programs http://ow.ly/5E9CW
Burgers about meat, not cake RT @thedailymeal: Surprise your favorite burger connoisseur with a hamburger-shaped cake: http://ow.ly/5DXlO
RT @grist: Do you support urban agriculture for all? Show your support here: http://ow.ly/5E3tA #LegalizeGardening
Chain restaurants improve kids menus, but kids should eat adult plates http://ow.ly/5E9x2
Temptation of the Week: Thirsty in summer http://ow.ly/5E9HO #balanceoffood
McDonald's Israel kicks burgers up to .55 lb. http://ow.ly/5E97m
Unhealthy Obsession With Healthy Eating? http://ow.ly/5E96g
Can't believe I missed National French Fries Day yesterday.
'Daily Show' tells us we are getting just a little fatter http://ow.ly/5Eafu #balanceoffood
No food is, including soy. RT @GetBetterDiet: Soy is NOT a miracle food. http://t.co/cZoDjJe
Only McD's would put American "cheese" on English burger http://ow.ly/5D3SB
Instead of donuts, what would u want brought into workplace?
What should Michelle Obama do if she wants to order fast food in public? http://ow.ly/5D3P2 #balanceoffood
1 retweetsOlive Garden says no to fries on kids' menu, but still high carbs 2 b found http://ow.ly/5C51w
Home grown food worthwhile, unless you are MI woman facing jail http://ow.ly/5C50M
RT @fedupwithlunch: Industries lobby against voluntary nutrition guidelines 4 food marketed 2 kids http://t.co/6yRTmcC via @washpo
In honor of All-Star Game in Phoenix & SB 1070, have Mexican food 2nite.
Parents have better options than powdered cauliflower in Kraft mac 'n' cheese http://ow.ly/5B3zm #balanceoffood
RT @Appetite4Profit: RT @nyshepa McDonald's preschooler Web site says 'Hey Kids, This is Advertising' as if they can read! www.ronald.com
Discipline more important than $. RT @kerigans: Cash-only diet may be key to healthy eating http://on.msnbc.com/oyYzk3
1 retweetsSmarter than sucralose. RT @PreventionMag: Swap the sugar in your coffee for cinnamon and nutmeg—you’ll save 100 cals. http://ow.ly/5zkle
Summertime great for fruit, smarter choices are in abundance http://ow.ly/5AQSC #balanceoffood
This shouldn't be news: FDA confirms E. Coli in food is illegal http://ow.ly/5Ar4K
Swedish fast food chain shows u can be responsible http://ow.ly/5Ar2R
GOP-led House votes 2 reduce screenings 4 e.coli http://ow.ly/5Ar3H
Should we hoard bacon over rising bacon prices? http://ow.ly/5AqYG
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