I definitely have more than 50 things I want to do before I die, but one of those is still the Gilroy Garlic Festival.
The issue has been finding a way to get there without having to rent a car (and significantly increasing the money spent on the trip). I now have a way, and my plan is to go next year — hopefully.
The idea of a garlic festival intrigues me since typically, dishes that identify themselves as “garlic” barely have any garlic in them, or at least, not enough to make an impact on my taste buds. The idea of having too much garlic — by my tastes — seems almost impossible.
Until then, my love for garlic will have to be satisfied by items here and there. Until I heard about a garlic festival that didn't involve air fare or a rented car.
Highwood, IL isn't necessarily known within Chicago, much less outside the Windy City. But the northern suburb has a Wednesday evening farmers market with restaurants, and decided to adapt that weekly event into a garlic festival. The festival was in a small park outside City Hall, near the suburban train stop.
I had no expectations that this could match up to Gilroy, even though I have expectations on what Gilroy will be like. Highwood never smelled like garlic during my entire stay.
While scouring around the festival site, I met one of the garlic queen contestants. She didn't smell like garlic, but she was very nice and helpful to point out garlic dishes.

I started with roasted garlic soup. The soup was served with a little fresh tomato salsa, croutons, and splashes of fresh squeezed lemon juice and olive oil. The roasted garlic soup wasn't very exciting, but it was a great way to start in on the garlic. But my taste buds were looking for more exciting.
After I had finished most of the soup, I was on to garlic ice cream (image at the top). I wanted to go to Gilroy to try garlic ice cream. I'm not sure if this even came close.
Vanilla ice cream mixed in with minced garlic pieces. While the frozen concoction was nice, you had the feeling that it wasn't garlicky enough. Still, it was the spiciest ice cream I can recall.

Still felt like I wasn't getting enough garlic. I thought about the garlic salmon at a booth, but someone had convinced me that it wasn't garlicky enough. I settled for garlic French fries with garlic sauce. Garlic French fries is mostly a miss in the hit-or-miss choices. A noble attempt most times, often it fell way short of garlic much less garlicky.
Garlic was in the air and on the plate. Again, garlic but not quite garlicky. And I'm still not sure where the garlic sauce was all that garlicky. Still, I was further down the path to garlic heaven.

Time was running out; the trains only came once an hour. So I grabbed some garlic rolls to go. This was the dish I turned down when I got the garlic fries. The pieces of French bread was cooked and the soaked in garlic butter with pieces of garlic and then sprinkled with parsley and oregano.
The garlic rolls had the truest definition of garlic of any dish I had since I got the garlic and oil appetizer from the Stinky Rose on Columbus in North Beach in San Francisco. The San Francisco dish had cloves swimming in oil with focaccia bread for dipping. I stunk of garlic so bad that no one sat in my row on the flight back.
No one sat next to me on the return trip train car, but that had little to do with garlic. This dish was intense, but then again, I think the previous garlic ingestion had caught up, and so while the garlic rolls were very intense, I couldn't finish them.
A truer test would have been to try them first as I may have just ingested too many carbohydrates to appreciate the garlic rolls.
One dish that I would have tried but they ran out by the time I was ready for them was garlic crab claws, from the same place as the garlic rolls.
I had enough garlic for one night, even a week. And I learned that too much of a good thing could be too intense, but you still want to try. Yet I also learned that I'm not quite ready for the big leagues, that is, Gilroy.
Based on the Gilroy garlic fries at San Francisco's National League ballpark, the name Gilroy is going to deliver a lot of garlic. I will need to pace myself with items that have a lot of garlic and eat a little of them so I can get a good variety without OD-ing on garlic.
Unlike some food obsessions, garlic has wonderful properties and can substitute flavor for such overused condiments such as salt. And even when garlic is overdone in a meal, rare as that is, garlic is still the most ideal spice. Especially in ice cream.
Gilroy 2012??
pictures by me