Though the show takes place in the year 3000 and beyond, "Futurama" often finds itself spoofing the 21st century. Last week's episode had an exchange betweeen eating fast food and going to farmers markets. And in true satirical fashion, both sides took a few shots.
The Planet Express crew finds themselves in line at a fast food outlet when they return from the latest delivery. Leela, the ship's captain, asks what is in the "buggalo tots." The fast food worker asks if she has a warrant.
She decides to order from the lighter menu, choosing a "gardener lovers salad." The order taker asks her what kind of cheese filling she wants, totally blowing apart the "lighter" concept. Leela then says she'll get the fruit cup. The order taker asks her what kind of cheese filling she wants with the fruit cup.
In the next scene, we see Leela eating from the cup, but she is horrified to realize that fruit is spelled Froot and "Froot" is in quote marks. Then she finds a bone in her "Froot" Cup.
The crew then visits a farmers market where Leela is all excites about how local and fresh the food is, offering to pay way more for locally grown eggs.
Finding a medium between fast food of unknown origin and eating anything that says "local and fresh" is where most people spend their food energy. The message of the episode is "no need to rush to either extreme."
Since comedy is best done in a visual medium, hopefully you will get a chance to watch the episode. Comedy Central will re-air this episode Thursday night at 9:30 pm Eastern, just before the newest episode at 10 pm.
Video and screen capture via Comedy Central
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