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November 30, 2011


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Hey, my friend, I am Muslim and I eat both Kosher and Halal...I can tell you the real difference is in beef...If meat is not kosher or halal, you can smell a horrible smell, and many times after it is cooked, you can taste the difference. I can pretty much guaranty having halal or kosher beef there is a huge difference.


Thanks Faraz. Glad to get your experience into the conversation. I did enjoy the taste of the Halal chicken, even the KFC version.

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My typical breakfast

  • DSC01708 ii
    There is no right way to finding the balance of food, just your way. My typical breakfast is whole wheat spaghetti with homemade sauce, sautéed mushrooms, and a naturally low-fat Italian cheese sprinkled on top. Works for me.


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