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April 10, 2012


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A Facebook User

Hi Chad! I wanted to thank you for doing some screen captures of these great dishes as featured on Live with Kelly. I just caught up on her Canadian episodes on my PVR and wanted to blog and share the recipes from her website but I was saddened that there were no images. Thanks bunches! Anna Echols, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada www.TheNotSoDesperateHousewife.wordpress.com


Good to hear from you. Just so you know, you can follow my take on Canada at http://CanadianCrossing.com. Hope you have fun with the images.

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My typical breakfast

  • DSC01708 ii
    There is no right way to finding the balance of food, just your way. My typical breakfast is whole wheat spaghetti with homemade sauce, sautéed mushrooms, and a naturally low-fat Italian cheese sprinkled on top. Works for me.


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