Too bad that the best ad for food wasn't made by a food company.
The audio came from Paul Harvey. He delivered "So God Made a Farmer" at the 1978 Future Farmers of America convention. Beautiful text.
The truck ad was based on this ad from, also using the Paul Harvey text. Ram reportedly made a large donation to
Okay, so the Super Bowl ad was for a truck (full disclosure: we cover trucks and cars in my day job). Still, that was the food highlight for the night. One new twist this year is that I've included live tweets I made based on first impressions of the ad.
Great ads for being a #farmer. Too bad it was 4 a truck. #superbowl
Taco Bell was clever in its reverse demo take, showing old people staying up late eating Taco Bell. The ironic hipsters who eat Taco Bell will appreciate the ads in their own way.
#TacoBell ad working 2 get that desired 65+ demo. They might get the soft taco instead of crunchy taco.
Subway brought back Jared for a 15-year anniversary of Jared having lost over 200 pounds. I had forgotten all about Jared. Plus, if we are checking to see if someone still has lost weight, that person should be standing up. And if he has kept the weight off, a) do we know it's Subway? and b) has his taste buds become damaged somehow?
Kudos to the chain for having a hashtag in the ad (#15yrwinning streak). So many companies forget to make that point in a multi million dollar ad buy. Sorry I didn't have a funny tweet on this one.
Jimmy John's played on the ironic old people, showing that they prefer Jimmy John's to tuna casserole. Personally, I would rather starve.
Early in the telecast, we saw a basketball locker room and a coach passing out McDonald's bags.The ad is more of a tie-in for McDonald's All-Americans. But the literal tie-in of star athletes keeping in shape by eating McDonald's has no place in real life.
Coach in @McDonalds ad wants fire in the belly, so he feeds them McD's. That might not be fire in their bellies.
Dorito's had lots of fun with the goat and later a young girl convincing her father and his friends to play dress up. The ads work with the idea that Doritos are too tempting. Clever.
Similar play to the Oreos library spot with the "cream vs. cookie" battle. These are fun foods; they might as well be portrayed in fun ads.
Turns out the free Pepsi Next is a 2-liter bottle if you went to the Web site to find out. The ad noted that the first million would get to try the soft drink for free. The ad played to the common theme that the soft drink was the most exciting thing in the room.
But if you have to resort to giving away a million bottles of a product that has been on the market for some time, you likely have a crappy product.
Would you drink #PepsiNext even if it was free? #superbowl
The Rock did an ad for milk where he ignored everyone in danger so he could chase down a gallon of milk for some young girls. Once he completed his mission, then he could fight crime. This ad suffered from being leaked, since I thought it was OK when I first saw it. The ad was a better sell for the person than the product.
Watching The Rock chase down #milk makes u wish we still had #milkmen. #Superbowl
Coca-Cola had a cute peace ad featuring Supertramp's "Give a Little Bit." The Coke chase was cute enough, but when the game was actually exciting, the chase wasn't great to begin with. When the concluding ad came back, I had almost forgotten there was a Coke chase. The dancers "won."
Dancers win #Coke chase. They win lots of #hfcs #superbowl
Sodastream brought up that using its product would have saved 500 million bottles on Game Day alone. When taste is the issue, and you don't talk about taste, that is a misguided ad. The better ad was the one that was banned. Good for the company that they made the other ad, at least some people are watching that one.
#Sodastream ad nice but not as cool as ad that was banned #superbowl
Pistachios went Gangham style. Interesting, but it felt too obvious. Watching this commercial 5 and 10 years from now, this will be funnier than it is now.
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