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August 02, 2011


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e) TSN.ca ?
(I haven't seen a CFL game in a few years, including the Grey Cup championship.) Over the air TV for me.


Can Americans get TSN.ca? I confess that I haven't tried. But since I get ESPN3, I hadn't considered other options.

If the Grey Cup isn't on TV, I might look into TSN.ca to see if Americans have that option.


We can get tsn.ca! The drawback is the games are on demand, so you have to (at minimum) estimate 3 1/2 hours after the kickoff to assume it ended. Hopefully by then TSN posted the video. The other drawback is if no one is willing to do you the favor of trying to find the game, TSN spoils it by posting the scores on the same page! Here's where to find it: watch.tsn.ca >>> video library >>> cfl games on demand >>> from here you pick a game. They label games by week, and once you pick a game you can select which quarter you would like to see. I always start with the first quarter, and it autoplays throughout the game. I've not had a problem with games being blacked out. I find it works so much better than ESPN3.


I will have to try TSN.ca since ESPN3 blows off halftime Grey Cup shows and has stupid promos in-between. Even if I have to sit through Tim Horton's ads, I'd be better off.


Interesting. I hadn't thought about the NFL lockout affecting my CFL viewing, but it occurred to me after seeing some highlights on SportsCenter that I hadn't seen any BC Lions games on my cable menu. I'll have to check that out too. I had perviously been able to watch a handful of Lions games on CSN NW or Versus or something, but I've looked into it and I'm not seeing the same thing this season...


I think the NFL Network TV deal overrides the CSN NW deal. Not completely sure, but that is my hunch.

As long as you are living in the U.S., CSN NW is a nice way to go because it also shows a handful of Vancouver Canucks games. And if you live in Seattle, between the CBC telecasts and the CSN NW games, you have a decent amount of Vancouver NHL games.

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