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May 19, 2013


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It should also be noted that Senators Wallin and Duffy are both former national (Free Trade Agreement Exempted) english-language TV news personalities. Wallin hosted the toprated Canada AM morning show for a few years in the 1980s. She's had a steady career of appointments, both gov't and in business - usually within a Cda-U.S. profile - since. This includes BMO Harris bank. Duffy, until recently, was one of this country's long-time leading political interviewers / cable news hosts.


Thanks CQ for the background on these two. I knew they were both journalists, but didn't know that much of their background. I'll have more on this tomorrow.


Correct that Clark was not living in the riding she ran in, Vancouver-Point Grey. Her home is in the next riding to the east, Vancouver-Fairview. Both went to the NDP in this election.

If the NDP understood optics (which they obviously don't, given the rather arrogant/presumptuous campaign they ran that featured numerous candidates and their leader looking ahead to being in government before the actual election took place) they would not run a candidate against Clark in the upcoming byelection. But they probably will because, well, this is the BC NDP we're talking about. Many bitter folks.


I was wondering whether the NDP would run someone against Clark for exactly that reason. The (relative) decorum of Canadian politics feels threatened by the stylings of U.S. politics. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


Yeah, the decorum seems to get worse every time and thus voter turnout is not getting better. Certainly it's not because of a lack of awareness - there's more election coverage on more platforms than ever before!

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