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July 23, 2013


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I'm pro-Monarchy for Canada. We've enjoyed a good and free governance for most of our nation's overall history.
So has Quebec. Without Canada's (Britain's) acceptance, they'd either be isolated or converted to an English speaking province or state. Slavery was abolished a few decades earlier, in pre-Canada, than in the U.S. as well. Our native populations have had (at least) a less troubled continued existence under our historical British peace treaties.
When our disagreements do occur, involving the First Nations or Quebec, having the separate and long-standing Monarchy position helps to defuse its contemporary political tensions.
Culturally, Canada also benefits from its direct association with Britain (and the Commonwealth). It encourages an alternatively international outlook which competes with our immediate strong next-door Neighbour Envy.


Canada is one of 15/16 countries that has that arrangement with a Governor General and the Queen as head of state. As much as the States loves the Royal Family, the dynamic is different, as you eloquently point out. You made some really good points. I still wonder that by the time George becomes King whether he will have the same role.


I'm one of those people who thinks it's time to dissolve the monarchy as the head of state of Canada. We will always have ties to England historically, and getting rid of the monarchy at this time, I don't think will make us not friends and allies. I think we always will be those, but I think the need for a monarchy is long past.
As for the natives, CQ, well there was this thing called broken treaties and residential school. I can't really compare it with USA, because my knowledge there is rocky, but they've definitely been screwed by the British and Canada in the past, too.


Selah Beth, for me, it is the idea that the Queen (or King) has a role in deciding another country's policy. That feels monarchial. My other theory is that because Queen Elizabeth has been so popular, people still think the whole Queen thing is okay. That would change when Charles and then William are in charge.

Sadly, I think the Canadian government treats its native people than the U.S. government. They try on some level to help. If the U.S. govt. is doing things, they're not making the news.


I agree. Canada is its own soverein state, therefore the Queen/King of England is a foreigner, and should not have rule over Canada. I think it will change sometime in the next decade or so.
I think our gov't tries on some level today to help the native people.


Curious to see how that goes in terms of the Queen.

That story about allegedly depriving Native people of nutrition was beyond sad. So there is help, but so much to overcome.

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