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November 18, 2013


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Hamilton, Ontario, has had its own city council dysfunctions - particularly with establishing a new PanAm-ready football stadium in recent years. Besides, no one in Hamilton can likely afford to place a bet; U.S. Steel has tightly closed down whatever dregs of a century old ex-Canadian owned industry it purchased there.

Two Notes to SNL:
1) In Toronto, most TV news presenters more often than not can be recognized as either women and/or "visible minorities". The Ron Burgundyish plain vanilla white man routine is 30 years out of date. So why wouldn't SNL have followed suit?
2) (Even through a mid-2000s bankruptcy) Shaw Media owned 'Global TV' is the long-time Cdn licence holder of SNL broadcasts while CTV's group features NBC's late night shows. (English-Canadian network programmings are typically a mixed bag of individually purchased U.S. series; CBC has virtually no U.S. programming on its channel - except for Summer-season movies.) Pointedly featuring a CBC logo seems like a slap in the face to one of NBC/SNL's reliable revenue sources.


I wholeheartedly agree on the stadium issue in Hamilton. Downtown would have been a great spot. And the city lost huge revenue in 2013 from not having a team in town, especially if they win the Grey Cup.

As for SNL, the show has had trouble having visible minorities over the years. Nasim Pedrad would have been a better choice. Even though they used the CBC logo, it's not like they likely watch. I think the CBC logo was used because it's more recognizable to "Americans" and Lorne Michaels is Canadian. You also have to remember that SNL is about lazy comedy. Thinking that they are thinking about anything is overthinking.


Unrelated, can we agree that NBCSN really sucks? I just finished the West Final-what I wish they still called it. Editing 3-4minutes from the East Final and starting the 2nd half of West at 11:29 blows. Did they really need that $1,000 for the infomercial they air? Or maybe could they develop and grow an audience for a sport much more recognizable to us than soccer?


Totally not unrelated. You can see my response in the 2013 Grey Cup preview. You have a strong overall point about growing the game in the United States.

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