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January 09, 2014


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My bucket list for Canada includes the following:

1. A winter trip to Ottawa to skate the Rideau Canal.
2. Yellowknife in the Yukon Territories to see the Northern Lights.
3. Iceberg watching/cocktail making in Newfoundland.
4. A cross-Canada trip on the Rocky Mountaineer.
5. Spend a night in Quebec's "Ice Hotel".
6. Attend a Grey Cup game.
7. Tour the CBC headquarters and attend tapings.
8. Meet Rosalie Trombley of the great CKLW.
9. Explore more of Banff national park.
10. PEI: Anne of Green Gables!


If you like outdoor activites, hiking the chilkoot trail is an experience. The ride back on the Whitehorse Pass Yukon Railway is well worth the ticket. If you make it to Toronto before september, drop me a line. I'd be happy to play tour guide.


I've done #10, but not the actual "theme park." I was in Cavendish and went to the water. What a gorgeous beach. Don't know about Ms. Trombley, though I do remember the classic CKLW. I've seen some of Banff National Park, but a tiny fraction. Great list.


Train travel is definitely a must to see a lot of this great country. I do want to work my way to the territories; don't want to leave them out of the exchange. And thanks Veronica for the offer. Merci and Thanks.


Hey there. It's just come to my attention that the TIFF Lightbox offers free guided tours of their building. Since you're a cinephile, I thought maybe it would be of interest when you next visit Toronto. Details are here: http://tiff.net/toursandtalks


That is a great idea, Veronica. And I need a trip to Toronto sometime in 2014. Thanks.

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