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June 09, 2014


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Week 1 Montreal-Calgary game on ESPN2, per website schedule grid.


I see the same thing. Not a huge surprise. Troy Smith and Chad Johnson might be enough of an incentive for ESPN2. That will be a good matchup. Nice catch.


Other ESPN2 games, per the ESPN app on my son's XBox Live:

7/5 Saskatchewan at Toronto
7/17 Edmonton at Winnipeg
7/24 Calgary at Edmonton
7/31 Winnipeg at Hamilton

Both of today's TSN2 preseason games are also on there. I'm going to try to catch at least a little of the Ottawa game.


Clarification: The preseason games are on the app, not ESPN2.


Thank goodness for the XBox Live. Appreciate the update. The July 31 game is set for ESPN; the rest for ESPN2. And yes, preseason on ESPN3: Internet not TV for the U.S. audience.

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