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September 03, 2014


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Canucks local broadcast deets have since been announced: http://www.sportsnet.ca/canucks-fans-get-best-seat-in-the-house-as-sportsnet-delivers-all-82-games-this-season/

34 national games and 48 regional. I haven't taken a very close look, but I suspect the number of national games going up is similar to how TSN was able to carry 17 Maple Leafs games nationally in the past. 10 of them were actually regional, but the league and other Canadian clubs agreed to allow TSN to take those 10 games nationally. The schedule must have been designed in such a way that the additional national telecasts were not competing against other regional ones. (Confusing, I know.)

At the end of the day, it's terrific that the Canadian teams not in Toronto will get more national availability.


As for commentators on the Habs regional games, I would like to think Randorf is a candidate but he's going to have a lot of national work and I think SN has already announced he will be sharing the Leafs regional work with Paul Romanuk. It wouldn't surprise me if another play-by-play guy is hired.


16 Leafs games and 42 Habs games, slightly less than the TSN workload for Leafs and Sens. And either Romanuk or Randorf will handle West Coast games on Saturdays. Whoever gets hired will be a last-minute choice that isn't already signed up (Mark Lee?).


Rogers is adding extra national games for its teams: Canucks, Flames, Oilers, and Canadiens. This is a nice bonus. The cost isn't an issue since they will use the local crews for a national game. A very good move to bring extra games to Canadians.


I'm kinda thinking Mark Lee might be the guy for the Habs gig, unless Rogers goes off the board. The guys they already have are busy enough as is.


Mark Lee fits the bill: national experience, former CBC guy, available right now. We'll see. Hope you're right.

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