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September 02, 2019


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Diane Kennedy

I am very disappointed that the IDEAS programme has been moved forward an hour and that ‘q’ has been put into the 2100 space.
I do not own a TV. CBC radio broadcasts are turned on before my feet touch the floor in the morn and have, up till now, been turned off when the IDEAS program was finished. My CBC broadcasts are of paramount importance to me. I, on occasion, do listen to q in the morning, but will most often change it to a podcast on CBC, Stitcher or to a NYTimes program which provides educational material or current events for the listener. I don’t find that Mr Power has much to add in either of these departments and rarely has programs that are of interest to me. I’m extremely disappointed he and his program have been given 2 prime spots on a daily basis. As stated, I do not own a TV. I so looked forward to Paul Kennedy on Ideas every night, broadcast at a reasonable hour. I will NOT be listening to ‘q’ at 9:00 pm/2100. I guess I’ll be getting an extra hour of sleep. But when to listen to Ideas?

Diane Kennedy


You can listen to Ideas or any other CBC radio show on podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.

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